According to the California Highway Patrol, there were 216,366 traffic accidents in the state in 2022. Good driver or bad driver everyone should freshen up on their driving skills. These are my own facts that I use, and think is good for everyone to keep in mind.
My 4 tips in a list are:
Mind like a Tesla
No need to rush
Think like a mechanic
Drive less
You may be thinking, what the hell are you talking about Kailynn? Find out exactly what I mean by the 4 tips by reading on.
Mind like a Tesla
The new Teslas have a system where it shows all the cars around you. Technology has grown the last 10 years, in good and bad ways. One day we are not going to have to think for ourselves and let technology do all the work. Why not have the mind like a Tesla and do it ourselves.
When we are driving we should know everything that is happening around us. How far the car in front of us are, how fast the car is going to the left, what lane the car on the right is going in, and how fast the car behind is going. Having these perspectives helps us avoid and be proactive to what could happen.
A tip I was told when starting to drive was to only look at the road ahead of you for half the time, the other half you should be looking at all your rearview mirrors and all that is around you. This also helps spying out cops that could easily pull you over.
No need to rush
One of the most important things to remember when driving is that you are not in rush. No matter how fast you go or how many cars you pass, you will get there at the same time as if you were driving normally.
I am one to drive fast when the opportunity is there, but if you are racing through traffic, cutting people off, and riding peoples bumpers; you are in a rush. In your head you may be thinking, "I"m late" or "I hate the people on the road", this creates road rage. Do not give yourself the opportunity to raise your stress levels. Everyone drives differently, respect the cars around you.
Think like a mechanic
I could take a page out of my own book from this. There are a lot of road issues you can avoid if you stay proactive in your cars well being. You do not have to be a mechanic to know how to properly care for your car, it takes trial, error, and basic knowledge.
When you are planning a long drive, road-trip, or drive a lot for your job; how often are you up keeping on your tires, battery, etc. You do not have to be a man or your parents to think about these things. Know when you have to get an oil change and avoid your engine from overheating by tracking the water levels. Keep in mind the last time you fixed something in your car and when it will need to be replaced next. If you get a flat tire, know if you have a spare, where your jack and spare is and how to change it. Your journey to your destination will be safer if you follow these tips.
This has to be my favorite, drive less. Coming from someone who gets car sick very easily, I have picked up on a few tips. Driving less means hitting the breaks and gas as least as possible, especially in traffic or going downhill.
Tail gating is one of the biggest fails when driving, what's the point? It increases your chances of rear ending or creating road rage for both cars. Back off and have patience, you will never have to think about that moment again. When you are in traffic, hitting the gas less, decreases your chances of slamming on your breaks.
That leads into hitting your breaks less. You can not trust the person behind you, they may not see you hitting your breaks because you are pressing on them so often. Help your breaks not wear down as fast by driving less.
You may be a great driver, yet do not think about these little tips. My goal is for you to imprint these 4 tips in your mind while driving, so next time you're in the driver's seat, you can apply them subconsciously. If you created tips of your own ideas, write them in the comments below. Thank you for reading, I hope this helps and safe driving!
Photos by Kailynn
Great tips!!! 💫 Tailgating is a pet peeve of mine
I like the idea of being aware and only using your rear view half the time!!
Have any advice for getting your car stuck in sand? 😉